Can Section 8 Make Me Replace The Windows In My Duplex?

If you’ve got a vacant unit you’re advertising for rent, you may have a prospective tenant ask if you accept Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. For every housing provider in Minneapolis, the answer must be yes.

This strikes fear in most of the landlords I know for one simple reason; the required Housing Quality Standards Inspection for Owners must complete before the Section 8 resident moves in.

Many housing providers believe this inspection requires extraordinary and expensive repairs to property. In fact, one owner recently told me he was afraid the inspector would require him to replace every window in his building. The fact is, that is incredibly unlikely to happen.

Actually, the Section 8 inspection doesn’t look terribly different from the city-required rental licensing inspection, the truth-in-sale of housing inspection required at the time of sale. It is also far less thorough than one a buyer may do on the property should the duplex owner choose to sell.

So what are some common repairs required for a Section 8 inspection?

Working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Working doors and windows. No peeling and chipping paint. Secure handrails wherever there are four or more stairs. A roof that doesn’t leak. No clogged drains. No broken windows or missing screens. Kitchen cabinets and drawers the open and close securely. An exhaust fan or window in the bathroom. Hot and cold water.

You get the picture. Pretty basic stuff.

For a complete list of standards for Section 8 Housing, CLICK HERE.