Yes, I Sell Houses Too

You may think the Duplex Chick just sells duplexes.

Not triplexes.

Not fourplexes.

And certainly not single-family homes, condos or townhouses.

Would you be surprised to learn I’ve sold almost as many single-family as I have multifamily properties?

Licensed Realtors get a basic education about real estate laws, terminology, ethics and how-tos. Those of us who go on to specialize; whether it be in commercial property, land, leasing, or multifamily properties, pursue untold hours of additional education so we may best and most competently serve our clients.

Think of it like general education requirements vs. picking a major and enrolling in classes specific to that discipline.

So if you’re in the market to buy a house, sell a house, invest in or divest of real estate, give me a call. I’d be happy to help.