
December 1, 2014

Is Your Minneapolis Duplex Worth The Number You Want To Hear?

Is the Realtor who tells you the highest price for your duplex the best agent for the job of selling it? When it comes to getting […]
November 17, 2014

Thinking About Selling? Start Training Now

With news that the real estate market recovering, you may be considering selling your Minneapolis duplex in the spring. And because you’re not the only one […]
November 10, 2014

Can You Evict A Section 8 Tenant?

If a tenant whose rent is paid in any degree by a Section 8 subsidy, can you evict them for failing to pay their portion of […]
November 3, 2014

6 Great Reasons To Sell Your Minneapolis Duplex Now

Chances are if you’re a Minneapolis or St Paul duplex owner who’s been wanting to sell once the market rebounded, recent good news has you thinking […]