
April 22, 2014

It’s Spring For Minneapolis Duplex Sellers

Like the first spring day after a long winter, the Minneapolis duplex market inspired hope the week ending April 12, 2014. For the first time in […]
April 21, 2014

How Hiring Just Any Realtor To Sell Your Duplex Could Cost You A Lot

This morning, a duplex seller shared with me the “comps” another Realtor had given him for his duplex. “Comps” are the comparable properties that have sold […]
April 16, 2014

Where To Look For The Best Rental Returns

Late last month the real estate information company RealtyTrac published a report detailing the best and worst markets in the nation for rental returns. Their measure […]
April 15, 2014

Minneapolis Duplex Market Reverses Itself

OK, I’m officially going to call it a blip. For months now Twin Cities duplex sellers with equity in their properties have dominated every category of […]