
November 26, 2012

How To Rehab Your Duplex Without Going To Home Depot

Many duplex owners and buyers believe the only way to make their property worth more is by swinging a hammer and grabbing a paintbrush. They spend […]
November 21, 2012

Minneapolis Duplex Sellers Giving Thanks

Minneapolis and St Paul duplex sellers have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. For the week ending November 12, 2012, there were 11 Twin […]
November 19, 2012

What the “Fiscal Cliff” Means To Duplex Sellers

We’ve all heard or read about the looming “fiscal cliff” if Congress and President Obama fail to strike a deal before the year’s end. But what […]
November 15, 2012

Freddie Mac Breaks Up Duplex Party

Just when we were starting the party for the return of the Minneapolis duplex market, Freddie Mac called and asked us to turn down the music. […]