
June 29, 2012

How Much Down Payment Do You Need To Buy A Minneapolis Duplex?

I wish duplex loans were like socks. Then there would be a “one size fits all” answer to the question, “How much money do I need to […]
June 27, 2012

Minneapolis Duplex Owners Recycle Parts For Charity

When the Re-Use Center closed last year, Minneapolis duplex owners lost a valuable resource for replacing hard-to-match items, as well as dispose of gently used but […]
June 26, 2012

Minneapolis Duplex Sales The Same. But Different.

If you were to look at two pictures side by side; one of Minneapolis duplex sales for the week ending June 18, 2012, and the other […]
June 25, 2012

Why It’s Better To Buy A Minneapolis Duplex Than Rent One

Over the weekend, Forbes magazine made it official. According to them, it makes more sense to buy a Minneapolis duplex than it does to rent one. In […]