
September 3, 2010

Why Is A Minneapolis Duplex Worth More Than A Fourplex?

Have you ever noticed that many Minneapolis duplexes sell for as much as a fourplex? Why? After all, if there are more people paying rent, shouldn’t […]
September 2, 2010

Beware of Black Belt Craigslist Duplex Sellers

I’ve been finding a lot of wolves in s Sheep’s clothing lately. Not in my dreams, but rather, on Craigslist. Every now and then I scan […]
August 31, 2010

Minneapolis Real Estate Market Gains Weight

The Minneapolis real estate market is like someone who just can’t stop eating. No matter how much it needs to not put another piece of chocolate […]
August 30, 2010

Is The Duplex Tax Credit About To Make A Comeback?

If you blinked over the weekend, you missed what might be the summer’s biggest news in the U.S. housing market. There was actually a conversation on […]