
May 14, 2010

Duplexes Celebrate Non Conforming Use Week

Sometimes my days and weeks feel like it’s Spirit week in high school. You know those weeks; the ones where you dress up as something different every day to […]
May 13, 2010

Will An Insult Get You A Price Reduction?

One of my seller’s received an offer the other day. We both got a laugh out of it. The buyer’s agent had carefully spelled out  the […]
May 11, 2010

Twin Cities Multi Family Sales Up As Tax Credits End

So did the tax credits help? Apparently so. For the week ending April 30, there was a 31.2 percent jump in pending sales over the same […]
May 10, 2010

Minneapolis Bedroom Requirements Come Out Of The Closet

If I asked you to describe a bedroom to me, chances are that early on, you’d include the word “closet”. For most of us, a closet […]