
April 9, 2010

Why Buying A Duplex Is Not Like Going To The Salad Bar

I’ve had a number of phone calls of the same flavor the last few weeks. The voices on the phone are interested in seeing one of […]
April 8, 2010

How Your Minneapolis Duplex Purchase Can Be Like A Wes Craven Movie

There’s nothing like a good adrenaline rush. That’s why people jump out of airplanes, line up for horror movies, watch the Vikings and fall in love. […]
April 6, 2010

Duplex Market Has Something Up Its Sleeve

Was it a rite of spring? Or a magic act? Either way, the Minneapolis duplex market managed to pull a rabbit out of its hat the […]
April 5, 2010

Procrastinator Alert: Act Now or Lose $8000

If you’re a first-time home buyer who’s been debating about buying a Minneapolis duplex or home, it’s time to get off the fence. You have 25 […]