Multi-Family Property Investing

May 14, 2008

Flip This Duplex? Or Not?

"And the soffits had clearly been converted to squirrel condos."
May 13, 2008

Steal That House!

OK, so I mean duplex. But house sounded better in the headline. At this point, we’ve all been absolutely inundated with media reports about declining property […]
May 12, 2008

Increase Your Duplex Sales Price Without Spending A Dime

During the recent real estate boom, selling small small multi-family housing (duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes) was almost as easy as simply sticking a “For Sale” sign […]
May 11, 2008

Why A Duplex Is A Ticket To That Great Neighborhood

"...these popular neighborhoods aren't exactly a real estate secret."