
August 24, 2009

$8000 First Time Minneapolis Duplex Buyer Deadline Looms

On my way in to the office, I pass several auto dealerships. This morning, I couldn’t help but notice big rows of older cars line up […]
August 3, 2009

Eight Ways to Paint Your Minneapolis Duplex Green

It’s not easy going green. Oh, we all know there’s a push to do it. But let’s face it. It’s downright expensive. Where are you going […]
July 20, 2009

The Minneapolis Duplex Tax Credit Race Is On

I keep wondering when people will notice summer’s almost over. OK, so it’s not exactly over. But we’re a week a week and change away from the […]
June 12, 2009

The Pick A Duck Approach to the Minneapolis Duplex Tax Credit

The first time home buyer tax credit is starting to feel like the carnival game Pick A Duck. Congress seems to study the big prizes hanging […]