Twin Cities Real Est

October 5, 2012

Why President Obama Loves Your Minneapolis Duplex

The White House cares about your southwest Minneapolis duplex. OK, so maybe not your duplex, specifically. But they do seem to care about public transportation in […]
October 2, 2012

Fall Minneapolis Duplex Market Looks Like Summer

Fall may have officially begun on September 22, but for the week before, the Minneapolis duplex market continued to behave as if it were summer. There […]
September 25, 2012

Why Minneapolis Duplex Sellers Love 2012

What a difference a year makes in the Minneapolis duplex market! For the week ending September 15, 2012, the average list price the duplexes, triplexes and […]
September 12, 2012

Minneapolis Duplex Owners Hoarde Inventory

First glance at the Minneapolis duplex market statistics for the week ending September 1, 2012, suggest we’re experiencing some sort of hoarding of duplexes for sale. That […]