Twin Cities Real Est

August 16, 2011

Minneapolis Duplex Sales Trends Continue

For the week ending August 6, 2011, the trends we’ve seen for most of the summer in Minneapolis duplex sales continued. There were 20 duplex listings […]
August 9, 2011

Minneapolis Duplex Sellers Do Happy Dance

Minneapolis duplex sellers who don’t need to ask a bank if it’s ok to sell their property are BACK! Well, at least for the week ending July […]
August 2, 2011

Duplex Market Will Drive Ya Nuts

The Minneapolis duplex market reminds me of a puzzle my family had when I was growing up. Called Drive Ya Nuts, it consisted of 7 nuts. The […]
July 27, 2011

There’s More To The Minneapolis Duplex Story Than The Headline

You may have heard of this thing called the Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller index. The media would have you believe it’s the nation’s most important source […]