Twin Cities Real Est

May 18, 2010

Duplex Sales Miss The Mark

Did the tax credit hit the mark and stimulate sales? Looks like a bullseye. For the week ending May 8, the first since the home buyer tax […]
May 11, 2010

Twin Cities Multi Family Sales Up As Tax Credits End

So did the tax credits help? Apparently so. For the week ending April 30, there was a 31.2 percent jump in pending sales over the same […]
May 4, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Sellers Rush To Beat Tax Credit

Thank God that shipment of newly listed single family homes and duplexes hit the market just in time for the expiration of the first time and […]
April 27, 2010

Duplex Tax Credits Enter The Home Stretch

As we race like Kentucky Derby entries toward the finish of the first time and repeat home buyer tax credits, word came from the Minneapolis Area […]