Twin Cities Real Est

March 30, 2010

Why The Minneapolis Duplex Market Is A Lot Like Aunt Clara

These days, the Twin Cities real estate market is a lot like Aunt Clara on an episode of “Bewitched”. It wants to perform the magic of a […]
March 23, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Market Defies Urban Myth

Just like everywhere else, the state of Minnesota has its own folklore and urban legends. There’s the tale of Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox, […]
March 17, 2010

Traditional Minneapolis Sellers Take It To The Banks

If the Minneapolis duplex market were a prize fight the week ending March 6, 2010, traditional sellers would have adminiistered a ninth round pummeling to lender owned and […]
March 9, 2010

Deadline Pushes Minneapolis Duplex Market

There are less than 60 days left to qualify for either the first time home buyer or repeat buyer tax credit. That looming deadline may well […]