Twin Cities Real Est

February 24, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Market Sick of Winter

Winter doesn’t seem to be quite done with the Twin Cities housing market, as it appeared to slip on the ice for the week ending February […]
February 16, 2010

Buyers Nod Yes In Minneapolis Duplex Market

Back in the day, oh, say, in around 2005-2006, well-maintained properties that were properly priced were selling at a rapid pace, and with multiple offers. It […]
February 9, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Market Goes Zen

MAAR issued its Weekly Market Activity Report this morning and by all appearances, housing transactions for the week ending January 30, 2010, remained in their meditative […]
February 2, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Market Studies Itself In The Mirror

The Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors released its weekly activity report last night, and it turns out that January of 2009 and 2010 are almost mirror […]