buy st paul duplex

August 7, 2023

Why Waiting To Buy A Minneapolis Duplex May Cost You 14 Years

It seems like everyone’s waiting until interest rates drop to buy a Minneapolis or St Paul duplex. After all, after years of interest rates in the […]
August 1, 2023

What To Look For When You Read A Duplex Pro Forma

If you’re thinking of buying a rental property, there are two kinds of financial documents the listing agent or seller may provide upfront. One is a […]
July 20, 2023

Should I Hire A Property Manager for My Minneapolis Duplex?

Owning rental property is easy, right? After all, once you acquire a Minneapolis or St Paul duplex or multifamily property and stabilize it, turn the keys […]
July 17, 2023

Why Today’s Rates Mean It’s Still A Great Time To Buy A Minneapolis Duplex

The rise of mortgage interest rates in the last few years has caused many would-be Minneapolis and St Paul duplex buyers to hesitate. Some have even […]