buy st paul duplex

July 20, 2023

Should I Hire A Property Manager for My Minneapolis Duplex?

Owning rental property is easy, right? After all, once you acquire a Minneapolis or St Paul duplex or multifamily property and stabilize it, turn the keys […]
July 17, 2023

Why Today’s Rates Mean It’s Still A Great Time To Buy A Minneapolis Duplex

The rise of mortgage interest rates in the last few years has caused many would-be Minneapolis and St Paul duplex buyers to hesitate. Some have even […]
June 23, 2023

Where To Find A Lease To Use For Your Twin Cities Duplex

If you’re new to being a Minneapolis or St Paul duplex owner,  it can be difficult to know where to find the best leases and documents […]
September 21, 2022

How To Become A Millionaire With Real Estate In 10 Easy Steps

I can make you a millionaire. Guaranteed. I realize that’s a bold statement. And, in all likelihood, it sounds like something that I’ll ask you to […]