
March 3, 2015

Minneapolis Spring Duplex Market Is Here

While the weather may not reflect it, the Minneapolis and St Paul spring duplex market has arrived. Nowhere was this more evident the week ending February […]
February 25, 2015

Minneapolis Duplexes Continue To Be Scarce

As of today, there are 209 active duplex, triplex and fourplex properties actively listed on the Minneapolis and St Paul MLS within the seven county metro […]
February 17, 2015

How To Lose Money Selling A Minneapolis Duplex

As the Minneapolis and St Paul duplex market heats up, some sellers may chose to be penny wise and pound foolish and sell their duplex themselves. […]
February 3, 2015

Minneapolis Duplex Sale May Cause Taxes

For the first time in years, many Minneapolis and St Paul duplex owners are asking themselves, “What are my tax consequences if I decide to sell?” […]