
October 16, 2014

Whose Duplex Lease Is It Anyway?

If you buy a Minneapolis duplex that has tenants, do you have to give them all new leases? Believe it or not, this was actually the […]
October 6, 2014

Is Your Minneapolis Duplex At 50 Percent?

Have you ever heard of the 50 percent rule about duplexes? Do you know what it is? The 50 percent rule is a general rule of […]
September 29, 2014

Why I Won’t Show You A Duplex Until I’ve Met You

While I’ve blogged about this topic before, last week’s news was a great reminder why no Realtor should ever meet someone at a property, simply because […]
September 24, 2014

Minneapolis Duplex Sales Become Predicatble

Sometimes, the news in the Minneapolis and St Paul duplex market just isn’t very exciting. Take, for instance, the week ending September 13. In many ways, […]