
July 7, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Buyers Are Couch Potatoes

Vegetation is something that usually happens during Minnesota winters. Yes, I know it’s green outside and there are plenty of weeds to pull and lawns to […]
July 2, 2010

Why Selling Your Minneapolis Duplex At The Sheriff’s Sale Doesn’t Mean It’s Sold

The other day I was visiting with a gentleman who owns a Minneapolis duplex and is behind on his mortgage payments. When I suggested it would […]
July 1, 2010

16 Reasons Your Duplex Qualifies For A Short Sale: Even If You Haven’t Missed A Payment

I want to dispel an urban myth. No, not the one about alligators in the sewers. The one I’m talking about is you have to be behind […]
June 29, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Market Gets Skinny

If the Twin Cities housing market were on a diet, it would be featured in a Jenny Craig ad. For the week ending June 19, 645 […]