
March 17, 2010

Traditional Minneapolis Sellers Take It To The Banks

If the Minneapolis duplex market were a prize fight the week ending March 6, 2010, traditional sellers would have adminiistered a ninth round pummeling to lender owned and […]
March 15, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Owners Get The Lead Out

Most duplex lovers swoon over the old buildings. You know the ones. They may have stained or leaded glass windows, hardwood floors, and even a built-in […]
March 12, 2010

Congress Threatens To Require Higher FHA Down Payments

Once upon a time, way back in 2005 and 2006, you could buy a duplex with no money down. Then the housing crisis happened. And in an […]
March 11, 2010

What’s The Most Common Type of Rental Housing Anyway?

When I say “rental housing”, what image springs to mind? Is it a large apartment complex with hundreds of units sprawling over acres of earth? Or […]