
September 12, 2008

Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel for Seller Funded Down Payments?

There’s reason for a bit of cautious optimism in Washington. On Tuesday, the House Financial Services Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Barney Frank, will review […]
September 10, 2008

Bank Foreclosures and Short Sales: The Best Thing to Ever Happen to Minneapolis Duplex Owners

It’s not news that there are a rash of foreclosures and short sales in the real estate market. Some of this is due to fraud. Some […]
September 9, 2008

Twin Cities Housing and Duplex Sales Soar

Wow! MAAR released its weekly activity report for the week ending August 30, and sales are up exponentially over the same period last year. Duplex sales […]
September 4, 2008

Simple Repairs Can Improve Duplex’s Cash Flow

As we head into fall and winter, it’s easy to remember that heat is one of the biggest expenses any Twin Cities landlord faces. That is, […]