Legal Stuff

June 13, 2008

It’s Easy to Accidentally Commit Mortgage Fraud

We’ve all read the headlines about real estate scams in the recent boom years resulting in many of the foreclosures in the marketplace today. And, we’ve […]
June 8, 2008

Protect Your Twin Cities Duplex Through An LLC

One of the concerns multi-family property investors often have is how to protect themselves in the event a tenant suffers an injury on one of their […]
June 4, 2008

Find Me A Deal on a Twin Cities Duplex!

People always ask me to call if I find a good deal on a property. During the peak of the market (which was the valley for investors […]
June 1, 2008

Trade Your Way Out of Capital Gains Tax

You may have heard of a 1031 Exchange. Sometimes it’s called a Starker or a Like Kind Exchange. And, you may also have heard a lot […]