Multi-Family Property Investing

February 21, 2011

Got Duplex Questions? Just Ask

As everybody’s snow bound today, I thought it would be a good time to ask what questions you’d like answered. What is it you would like […]
February 18, 2011

Nothing Scientific, But The Real Estate Market Is Changing

I can’t say this enough. The real estate market is changing. Last week I received multiple offers on two duplexes I had listed within five days […]
February 17, 2011

Why Your Realtor Likes To Feel Used

Most people think they only time they should speak with a Realtor is when it’s time to buy or sell a duplex. They’re wrong. They should call […]
February 4, 2011

10 Great Reasons To Work With A Duplex Specialist

It might seem like a stretch, but Realtors are like doctors. Every doctor has a broad, basic knowledge of the human body. And yet, they aren’t […]