Twin Cities Real Est

October 19, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Sellers Sleep Better

Wake me. I must be dreaming. Minneapolis duplex sales just went up. For the week ending October 9, 2010, 29 duplexes pended on the Twin Cities […]
October 12, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Market A Little Sore

As of late, the Minneapolis duplex market seems to have tendinitis in its throwing arm. It aims in the general direction of a recovery, but never […]
October 5, 2010

Glass Half Full In Minneapolis Duplex Market

I try to be an optimist; to see the bright side of a slower duplex market. To that end, let’s call the sixteen duplexes that had purchase agreements […]
September 28, 2010

Minneapolis Duplex Sales Challenge Vocabulary

Sometimes Minneapolis duplex numbers are difficult to write about. In this market, that’s from both a creative perspective and an emotional one. I’m just flat running […]