buy Minneapolis duplex

July 22, 2024

Minneapolis Sets Record Duplex Sales Price

Minneapolis duplex owners got some good news in June as a market that appeared to be on its way to becoming balanced rebounded into seller’s market […]
July 18, 2024

How 2024’s Election Could Impact Minneapolis Housing Providers – Part 1

With a presidential election slated for November, national politics are a big deal. And while politicians of all parties tend to make a lot of promises […]
July 9, 2024

Soon You May Not Be Able to Just Call The Realtor On A Minneapolis Duplex For Sale Sign

If you’re considering buying a Minneapolis or St Paul duplex and you drive by a for sale sign on one you like, it may be tempting […]
July 3, 2024

How To Draft or Amend Your Minneapolis Duplex’s No Smoking Policy

The issue of marijuana or cannabis consumption is coming up a lot. While I blogged about a housing provider’s obligations under Minnesota’s new state laws a […]