Twin Cities Real Est

April 28, 2009

Suddenly Sold On Minneapolis Duplex Market

If you seem to be seeing a lot of sold signs hanging on properties in your neighborhood, it isn’t your imagination. The real estate market is picking […]
April 21, 2009

Minneapolis Duplex Market Does It Again

Well, for the week ending April 11, we did it again. Not that it’s anything to be proud of. But just maybe there will come a […]
April 14, 2009

Minneapolis Duplex Market Rebounds

The good news is the Minneapolis duplex market seems to be behaving like Dennis Rodman: catching up with most missed shots. For the week ending April […]
April 7, 2009

Sprinkles of Hope In Minneapolis Duplex Market

If you’re sitting on a fence somewhere, you may not have noticed it’s starting to rain. It’s just a drop here and there, but with any luck, we’ll […]