
July 9, 2008

Buy A Twin Cities Duplex for A Bigger Home

Over the last year, I’ve started to see different kinds of buyer walking through the duplexes I hold open on Sundays. I like to think of them as genius’. […]
July 8, 2008

Twin Cities Duplex Sales Up Again

MAAR offered an interesting insight in today’s weekly activity report. At least I thought so. For 10 of the last 12 weeks, pending sales of single […]
July 7, 2008

Change the Numbers When You Rent Your Twin Cities Duplex

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned as a landlord is to make sure that the amount I charge for a security or damage deposit […]
July 3, 2008

How to Find Hidden Cash When You Buy A Twin Cities Duplex

I do a lot of math in my job. Which is funny, considering my history with high school algebra. Whenever I find a duplex I think may be of […]